Saturday, January 19, 2008

What is HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML)?

HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language. It is the extension file used to make a simple basic webpage. Usually I use .html or .htm extension or what you find at the end of each simple webpage. HTML is a static page that has ability to display item. It is a server side scripting.

home.htm or home.html

I use notepad where I enter codes or elements to create a webpage file and save file as like the example I gave you above.

HTML Tags or Syntax this are the codes I typed in the notepad that marks the beginning and end.

Element - is a tag
Attribute - description to tag
value - content that is assigned to the attribute

Basic HTML Syntax or Structure:

Basic HTML Elements are:
  • Headers (H1) to (H6) - H1 is bigger and bolder while H6 is the smallest header size
  • Paragraphs (P) - use to mark the start of a new paragraph
  • List item (LI)- use for list items or bulleted and numbered/letters items
  • Horizontal Rules or tags (HR) - use to draw a horizontal line across the page

Inline or Text Level Elements:
  • EM, I, B, FONT use for character emphasis
  • A is use for hypertext links
  • BR is use for line breaks
  • APPLET this is embedded objects
  • IMG this is use for images
It is so easy to create your own webpage with your own design.

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